Kopper Joi Overton’s Background, Family Ties, and Career

Kopper Joi Overton is a creative and outgoing individual. Kopper is the daughter of Jayne Kennedy and actor Bill Overton. This article details her early life, family history, education, profession, personal life, physical appearance, net worth, and more.

Early Life and Background

Kopper Joi Overton was born May 17, 1989 into an entertainment family. She was brought up in Los Angeles, California, in the glam of Hollywood. Kopper was exposed from a young age to various artistic forms. She had an enriched childhood.

Family Ties and Roots

Kopper is from a culturally and professionally rooted family. She’s the daughter of actress, model and television personality Jayne Kennedy and actor Bill Overton. Kopper has three siblings: Cheyenne, Savannah Re, and Zaire Ollyee. Family values and support from the Overton clan have helped Kopper grow personally and professionally.

Educational Background

Kopper Joi Overton studied arts and communication. She attended a top high school that focused on the creative arts. After high school she studied at a top university in communications and media studies. Her academic background prepared her for her chosen field.


Kopper’s career demonstrates her adaptability and innovative spirit. Her professional experience includes work in the entertainment and media industries. Now she is an Associate Manager for Social Media & Public Relations for JAKKS Pacific, a leading kids’ entertainment and toy manufacturing company. Kopper runs social media campaigns, public relations and creative content development. Her work has been given praise for being original and effective.

Personal Life

Kopper Joi Overton is serious about her private life. She is gay and has been with boyfriend Khanh Kim Tran since 2009. They recently celebrated their first anniversary together and are planning to marry. Kopper has a supportive family and also shares glimpses of her lifestyle on social media. Her personal life reflects her values of love, tolerance and authenticity.

Physical Appearance

Kopper Joi Overton has a unique style. Her bright smile and a magnetic presence draw people in. Kopper experiments with both contemporary and classic looks. Her fashion choices express her creative personality and confidence in her appearance.

Net Worth

Specifics about Kopper Joi Overton’s net worth are not available but she clearly has built an impressive career in media and entertainment. Working for JAKKS Pacific and other professional activities has given her financial security. Kopper’s success reflects her work, talent and dedication.

Online Presence

Today it is all about social media for Kopper Joi Overton. She maintains active profiles on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for updates on her professional projects, her personal life and the entertainment industry in general. She has thousands of fans and followers online.


It’s a journey of creativity, resilience and authenticity for Kopper Joi Overton. Kopper has shown she can innovate – from her first years with a family of entertainers to her career in public relations and social media. She tells us how being true to oneself and following your passions are able to really make a difference.